Preparation for Learning and Teaching at Oxford

The Preparation for Learning and Teaching at Oxford (PLTO) course is an introduction to teaching at Oxford. 

It is tailored to local requirements and run by departments, faculties and divisions (not the Centre for Teaching and Learning). It is intended for DPhil students or postdoctoral researchers who wish to start teaching at Oxford. College staff are welcome to apply. 

The course aims to provide participants with the opportunity to:

  • learn about the Oxford teaching system, including tutorial/small group teaching contexts and departmental organisation/reporting systems 
  • find out about local teaching practices and ways of teaching in your specific context 
  • discuss teaching challenges with peers and more experienced teachers 
  • discuss ways to get started with your teaching 
  • find out where and how to access departmental and/or divisional resources to support ongoing reflection on your teaching and the development of your teaching skills 
  • find out about further teaching development opportunities offered by the University, for example, the Oxford Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership Recognition Scheme programme provided by the Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Please note: It is University policy that DPhil researchers attend a PLTO course or equivalent before they start teaching.

To find out more, follow the divisional links below. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please seek advice from your academic department.