Student academic transitions: resources for teaching staff

To help support undergraduate students in their first year, the resources below have been produced for staff by the Academic Transition Support Working Group and students participating in the Centre for Teaching and Learning's Student Experience Internship Scheme in 2021 and 2022.

Resources for staff

Quick guide for teaching staff: Supporting incoming students (short PowerPoint slide set)

This short PowerPoint slide set provides a quick snapshot of things teaching staff can do to support students' academic transition to Oxford .

The resource is based on recent research, including outcomes of the Centre for Teaching and Learning's Student Experience Internship Scheme.

Staff are invited to share the resource with colleagues in their department, faculty or college, and to adapt the material in any medium or format. 

Reports written by our Student Experience Interns

Supporting students’ academic transitions: Key findings and recommendations

A report written by students participating in our Student Experience Internship Scheme in summer 2022 includes key findings and recommendations aimed at enhancing academic literacies support for students at Oxford when transitioning into and throughout their degrees:

Supporting students’ academic transition to Oxford: Perspectives from our Student Experience Interns

A report written by students participating in our Student Experience Internship Scheme in summer 2021 includes recommendations aimed at enhancing support for new students to Oxford:

Oxford Teaching Ideas

Case studies

Resources for students

In addition, a suite of resources for students new to Oxford is available on the Oxford Transition Support page of the University's student website.

oxford transition support logo

The page provides a central hub for students by bringing together support resources from across the collegiate University, together with video feedback from current and previous students. To help students recognise resources that are part of the package, a visual identity has been created so that central, departmental and college materials can be ‘badged’ accordingly.

If you are a member of staff, and have a resource you would like included on this student page, please contact

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